As Supply Chain Professionals, we always look for books that impact our careers & companies & ways to leverage them in our supply chain initiatives.
Do Lean Principles Apply to Distribution Centers?
You can apply LEAN principles to a distribution center environment; however, it is not as straightforward as it is for manufacturing operations
Process Mapping
Process mapping is the core of all lean organizations. Its the foundation of your business and its the map to your success or your demise.
The Distinction: Independent Consultant vs. Material Handling Integrator
In life and in business there are distinctions. A distinction suggests the perception of dissimilarity, as the result of analysis and discrimination.
Technology Project First Step – LEAN Project & ROI Analysis
There is a continual theme I see when companies want to understand if they can justify new technology (software, data collection, material handling).
Material Handling Integrators & LEAN Principles are Counterintuitive
I had the opportunity to complete a site visit of an e-commerce distribution center last week. The facility was 125,000 square feet, 15,000 active SK